Bonjour! My name is Michelle aka Hypernoodle, I am a mom with a wonderful son. The definition of Hypernoodle is "Overactive mind". Noodle is actually my son's nickname from birth because he can't sit still! My husband says I am actually the noodle and he added on the "Hyper" part. Thus, "Hypernoodle" was born as a way to describe my overactive mind that can't sit still and is constantly moving wildly pulling out creativeness! My son has Aspbergers which is on the Autism Spectrum and therefore interprets everything literally. So his interpretation of Hypernoodle is a wet lasagna noodle that is spazzing out and can't be still... I told him he was spot on! Thus, please enjoy our drawing of Mr. (wet lasgna) Noodle!
I have been crafting and sewing since I was 7 years old when my aunt taught me how to crochet. I was hooked (no pun intended) but waivered after a botched miniskirt sewing project in Home-Ec that produced a C-. But thanks to my aunt, I realized that there is great pleasure and success in creativity, even with the projects that you don't think turn out perfect. They become a learning experience in your creative journey and only enhance your work overall. Anyone who makes handmade is not only about the finished project, but the process it takes to get there. I have worked in what seems like a million mediums: paint, polymer clay, wood, scapbooking/paper crafting, dollhouse miniatures, oh the list goes on and on! (And I adore them all) but my love for sewing has taken the lead because I get a complete rush putting a stitch in two pieces of fabric. Every time I sit down to work on a project, a lot of time, love and attention goes into each and every item. With handmade, I love the fact that even if you make more than one of something, no two are ever the same!
From my overactive mind to your hands...Enjoy! And thanks again for stopping by... **Anyone who has ever had more than 1 creative thought running around in their head has a "Hypernoodle"...if you can identify, welcome to my world!